Package: CACIMAR 1.0.0

CACIMAR: cross-species analysis of cell identities, markers and regulations

A toolkit to perform cross-species analysis based on scRNA-seq data. CACIMAR contains 5 main features. (1) identify Markers in each cluster. (2) Cell type annotaion (3) identify conserved markers. (4) identify conserved cell types. (5) identify conserved modules of regulatory networks.

Authors:Junyao Jiang [aut, cre]


# Install 'CACIMAR' in R:
install.packages('CACIMAR', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • OrthG_Hs_Ch - Orthologs genes database for homo sapiens and zebrafish
  • OrthG_Hs_Mm - Orthologs genes database for homo sapiens and mus musculus
  • OrthG_Hs_Zf - Orthologs genes database for homo sapiens and zebrafish
  • OrthG_Mm_Ch - Orthologs genes database for mus musculus and chicken
  • OrthG_Mm_Zf - Orthologs genes database for mus musculus and zebrafish
  • OrthG_Zf_Ch - Orthologs genes database for mus zebrafish and chicken



5.26 score 12 stars 6 scripts 224 downloads 40 exports 218 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:3c9c84cc3f. Checks:1 OK, 7 ERROR. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 13 2025
R-4.5-winERRORFeb 13 2025
R-4.5-macERRORFeb 13 2025
R-4.5-linuxERRORFeb 13 2025
R-4.4-winERRORFeb 13 2025
R-4.4-macERRORFeb 13 2025
R-4.3-winERRORFeb 13 2025
R-4.3-macERRORFeb 13 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
filter cellchat CCC networksadd_cellchat_prob
Build homologous gene databasebuildHomDatabase
CACIMAR colors paletteCACIMAR_cols
Caculate conserved score of cell-cell interactionCaculate_cell_pair_cci_score
Caculate conserved score of cell-cell interaction for three speciesCaculate_cell_pair_cci_score2
Sum weight of cell-cell interactionscalculate_Weights
Make a ChordDiagramChordDiagram
Caculate conserved interaction score and Make data for ChordDiagramconserved_interaction_score
Create sankey plotcreate_sankey
Format marker genes for plottingFormat_Markers_Frac
Format Conserved markers to plot heatmapFormatConservedMarkers
Geometric mean of ligand and receptorget_average_expression
plot the heatmap of marker genes across different speciesHeatmap_Cor
Identify cell type of each clusterIdentify_CellType
Identify conserved cell-cell interaction from two speciesIdentify_Conserved_CCI1
Identify conserved cell-cell interaction from three speciesIdentify_Conserved_CCI2
Identify conserved geneidentify_conserved_gene
Identify conserved ligand receptor interactionIdentify_Conserved_LR
Identify conserved markers in conserved celltypeidentify_conserved_marker
Identify conserved pairidentify_conserved_pair
Identify conserved cell types based on power of genes and orthologs databaseIdentify_ConservedCellTypes
Identify orthologs marker genes for two speciesIdentify_ConservedMarkers
Identify conserved regulatory networksIdentify_ConservedNetworks
Identify conserved cell type specific regulatory networksidentify_ct_ConservedNetworks
Identify markers of each clusterIdentify_Markers
Identify conserved node and edge in the networks Based on the Conservation analysis result from Identify_ConservedNetworks, this function further identify the conserved node and edge in the network(graph)identify_network_relationships
Make data fit for ChordDiagramMake_ChordDiagram_data
Make data fit for ChordDiagram for conserved cell types from three speciesMake_ChordDiagram_data2
Make ligand-receptor data for pheatmapmake_pheatmap_LR_data
Make ligand-receptor data for pheatmapmake_pheatmap_LR_data1
Orthologs genes database for homo sapiens and zebrafishOrthG_Hs_Ch
Orthologs genes database for homo sapiens and mus musculusOrthG_Hs_Mm
Orthologs genes database for homo sapiens and zebrafishOrthG_Hs_Zf
Orthologs genes database for mus musculus and chickenOrthG_Mm_Ch
Orthologs genes database for mus musculus and zebrafishOrthG_Mm_Zf
Orthologs genes database for mus zebrafish and chickenOrthG_Zf_Ch
Cell-cell interaction analysis with SingleCellSignalR algorithmperform_CCI_analysis
Create a pheatmap for average expression of ligand-receptor pairspheatmap_LR_multi
Create a pheatmap for average expression of ligand-receptor pairspheatmap_LR1
Plot communication between cell typesPlot_Celltype.Communication
Heapmap of cell-cell interactionplot_interaction_heatmap
Plot Markers in each cell typePlot_MarkersHeatmap
Plot phylogenetic treePlot_phylogenetic_tree
Plot Phylogenetic Tree of Different Species Cell TypesPlot_Species_CellType_Tree